Regional Profiles for the North East
Key |
Status |
Mainstream |
Special |
Mix |
Phases |
Early Years |
Infants |
Juniors |
Primary |
Secondary |
Mix |
Trauma Informed Education Practice
Level (TIE) |
Level |
Bronze |
Silver |
Gold |
Gold+ |
Silver – have completed Theraplay©
Level 1
Gold - have completed Theraplay©
Level 1 and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Level 1
Gold+ - have completed a higher Level in Theraplay© and/or DDP
The table below is
sorted by Local Authority then by Last Name.
Local Authority | State Phase | Status | Name | Role | T.I.E. Level | Contact Email |
Darlington | Primary | Mainstream | Jane Knowlson | Deputy Head Teacher | Bronze | jknowlson.attachmentlead@gmail.com |
Darlington | Early Years & Primary | Mainstream | Leanne Wilson | SENCo | Bronze | leanne.wilson.attachmentlead@gmail.com |
Darlington | Early Years and Primary | Both | Sophie Newton | Virtual School Education Officer | Bronze | sophie.newton@darlington.gov.uk |
Darlington | Primary | Mainstream | Tracey Charlton | Parent Support / HLTA | Bronze | traceycharlton.attachmentlead@gmail.com |
Hartlepool | Primary | Mainstream | Carolyn Lakin | SEND & Inclusion Lead | Bronze | Carolyn.lakin@lynnfieldschool.org.uk |
Hartlepool | Mix | Both | Lucy Cumming | Education Officer for Vulnerable Pupils | Bronze | Lucy.Cumming@hartlepool.gov.uk |
Middlesborough | Primary and Secondary | Special | Sarah Birch | Regional Standards Lead | Bronze | sb_attachmentlead@outlook.com |
Newcastle | Early Years & Primary | Mainstream | Angela Ward | SENCO | Bronze | attachment.lead@archibald.newcastle.sch.uk |
Newcastle | Early Years & Primary | Mainstream | Jo Fields | Assistant Head Teacher & SENCo | Bronze | jo.attachmentlead@outlook.com |
Newcastle | Primary | Mainstream | Kate Overton | Teaching Assistant | Bronze | Kateoverton.attachmentlead@gmail.com |
Newcastle | Primary | Mainstream | Patricia West | Deputy Head | Bronze | trish.west@wingrove.newcastle.sch.uk |
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne | Mix | Both | Charlotte Martin | Virtual School Ed. Acheivement Officer | Bronze | charlotte.martinattachmentlead@hotmail.com |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne | Primary | Mainstream | Elaine Ritchie | Teaching Assistant | Bronze | elaineritatattachmentlead@outlook.com |
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne | Mix | Both | Jennifer Barnes | LAC Educational Achievement Support Worker | Bronze | jenniferbarnesattachmentlead@gmail.com |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne | Primary | Mainstream | Kate Wood | Pastoral Support | Bronze | Kate.wood.attachmentlead@outlook.com |
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne | Mix | Both | Lyndsey Pilling | Virtual School Ed. Acheivement Officer | Bronze | lyndseyp.attachmentlead@gmail.com |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne | Primary | Mainstream | Tahli Rollitt | Teaching Assistant | Bronze | tahliattachmentlead@outlook.com |
North Tyneside | Mix | Both | Jane Pickthall | Virtual School Head | Bronze | jmp.attachment@gmail.com |
Redcar and Cleveland | Both | Both | Leanne Longstaff | Senior lead for extended duties Virtual school | Bronze ; | lalbeson@yahoo.com |
South Tyneside | Primary | Mainstream & SEMH resource base | Amanda Moody | Deputy Head Teacher | Bronze | attachmentlead1@hebburnlakes.co.uk |
South Tyneside | Secondary | Special | Christina Ramshaw | HLTA Pastoral | Bronze | christinaramshaw1-attachmentlead@outlook.com |
South Tyneside | Secondary | Mainstream | Deborah Smith | Head Teacher | Bronze | dsmith2@whitburncofeacademy.org |
South Tyneside | Primary | Mainstream | Jill Gowan | Teaching Assistant | Bronze | jillgowanattachmentlead@outlook.com |
South Tyneside | Primary | Mainstream with Specialist attached provision | Jo Donkin | SENDCO | Bronze | attachmentlead2@hebburnlakes.co.uk |
South Tyneside | Mix | Mainstream | Julie Ann Graham | EAL Higher Level Teacher | Bronze | julieg.attachmentlead@yahoo.com |
South Tyneside | TBC | Virtual School | Michelle Bland | Senior Educational Officer for Looked After Children | Bronze | michelleattachmentlead@outlook.com |
South Tyneside | Primary | Mainstream | Paula Handy | Inclusion Manager | Bronze | paulahandy-attachmentlead@hotmail.com |
South Tyneside | Primary | Mainstream & SEMH resource base | Samantha Walton | Care, Support & Guidance Officer | Bronze | attachmentlead3@hebburnlakes.co.uk |
South Tyneside | Virtual School | Both | Serena Goddard | Support Lead for Looked After Children | Bronze | serenaattachmentlead@outlook.com |
South Tyneside | Mix | Mainstream | Wendy Woods | EAL / The Place Teacher | Bronze | wendywoodsattachmentlead540@gmail.com |
Stockton | Primary | Mainstream | Aisha Khan | Teacher & PSHE Lead | Bronze | MEAKhan@sbcschools.org.uk |
Stockton | Primary | Mainstream | Amanda Logan | Teaching Assistant | Bronze | rpalogan@sbcschools.org.uk |
Stockton | Secondary | Special | Andy Murphy | LAC Designated Teacher | Bronze | andy.murphy@hotmail.co.uk |
Stockton | Both | Both | Andy Ruffell | Education Development Adviser | Bronze | andyruffell_attachmentlead@outlook.com |
Stockton | Primary | Both | Angela Cain | Teaching Assistant | Bronze | whacain@sbcschools.org.uk |
Stockton | Mix | Both | Catherine Ellis | Education Development Adviser | Bronze | catherine.ellis@stockton.gov.uk |
Stockton | Mix | Special | Charlene Graham | Unqualified Teacher | Bronze | charlenegrahamattachmentlead@outlook.com |
Stockton | Early Years & Primary | Mainstream | Claire Hart | Virtual School Education Development Adviser | Bronze | Claire.AttachmentLead@outlook.com |
Stockton | Early Years and Primary | Mainstream | Elise Pattinson | Assistant SENCO | Bronze | epattinson@jtbprimary.org |
Stockton | Primary | Mainstream | Ema Jolliffe-Jackson | Positive Mental Health Officer | Bronze | e.jackson@harrowgateacademy.org |
Stockton | Primary | Mainstream | Gemma Holloway | SENCo | Bronze | g.holloway@harrowgateacademy.org |
Stockton | Both | Both | Hannah Nichol-Brown | Caseworker Virtual Schools | Bronze | Hannah.Nichol-Brown@stockton.gov.uk |
Stockton | Primary | Both | Helen King | Assistant Pupil Inclusion Officer | Bronze | helen.king@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk |
Stockton | Secondary | Mainstream | Helen Shaw | Assistant Head Teacher & SENCo | Bronze | shaw.h@ianramsey.org.uk |
Stockton | Primary and Secondary | Special | Helen Thomsen | Emotional Wellbeing Co-ordinator | Silver | helen.thomsen@ne.sparkofgenius.com |
Stockton | All | All | Janet Wilson | Education Development Adviser | Bronze | Janet.Wilson@stockton.gov.uk |
Stockton | Primary | Mainstream | Jayne Hepple | Parent Support Adviser | Bronze | JHepple@bewleyprimary.org.uk |
Stockton | Primary | Mainstream | Julie Cole | PSA | Bronze | mljcole@sbcschools.org.uk |
Stockton | Primary | Mainstream | Kathryn Hendy | Deputy Head teacher | Bronze | bskhendy@billinghamsouth.school |
Stockton | Secondary | Mainstream | Kerrie Walker | Teaching Assistant | Bronze | Kerriewalkerattachmentlead@gmail.com |
Stockton | Mix | Virtual School | Linda Russell-Bond | Virtual School Headteacher | Bronze | linda.russell-bond@stockton.gov.uk |
Stockton | Early Years & Primary | Mainstream | Lynsey Hegarty | Class Teacher | Bronze | mllhegarty@sbcschools.org.uk |
Stockton | Primary | Mainstream | Maggie Fearnley | Head Teacher | Bronze | maggie.fearnley@sbcschools.org.uk |
Stockton | Early Years & Primary | Mainstream | Marie Watson | Deputy Head / SENCO | Bronze | frmwatson@stfrancispri.dalesmat.org |
Stockton | Primary | Mainstream | Melanie Weir | CYPIOC Lead in School | Bronze | mjweir@tiscali.co.uk |
Stockton | Mix | Both | Rachel James | Pupil Inclusion Officer | Bronze | rachel.james@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk |
Stockton | Mix | Both | Sally Large | Virtual School Caseworker | Bronze | sally.large@stockton.gov.uk |
Stockton | Primary | Mainstream | Sheona Clift | SENCO / Desingated Teacher for CIOC | Bronze | sclift@bewleyprimary.org.uk |
Stockton | Mixed | Both | Stacey Bell | Virtual School Caseworker | B | stacey.bell@stockton.gov.uk |
Stockton | Early Years | Special | Vicki Hammond | SEN Outreach Nursery Nurse | Bronze | vicki.hammond@stockton.gov.uk |
Stockton | Mix | Both | Zoe Harvey | SEMH case worker | Bronze | Zoe.Harvey@stockton.gov.uk |
Stockton Borough Council | Secondary | PRU | Laura Banks | Teacher & Psychological Intervention Practitioner | Bronze | laura.attachmentlead@outlook.com |
Stockton Borough Council | Secondary | Special | Melissa Fisher | Vice Principle Pastoral & Wellbeing | Bronze | melissa.fisher@horizonstrust.org.uk |
Stockton on Tees | Primary | Both | Andrea Bollands | Inclusion Support | Bronze ; | abollands@jtbprimary.org |
Stockton on Tees | Secondary | Special | Bill Dingwall | Vice Principle - Safeguarding / LAC | Bronze | bill.dingwall@horizonstrust.org.uk |
Stockton on Tees | Secondary | Mainstream | Claire Dickinson | Head of Year/Teacher of Drama | Bronze | cdickinson@northfieldssc.org |
Stockton on Tees | mix | Virtual School | Karen Taylor | Assistant Psychologist | Bronze | Karen.Taylor@hartlepool.gov.uk |
Stockton on Tees | Primary | Mainstream | Kathryn Dalkin | SENCO | Bronze | kathrynattachmentlead@outlook.com |
Stockton on Tees | Primary | Mainstream | Kathryn Hendy | Deputy Head Teacher / Designated Lead CIOC | Bronze | kathrynhendy.attachment@outlook.com |
Stockton on Tees | Early Years & Primary | Mainstream | Sarah Chapman | SEN TA L3 | Bronze | sarahattachmentlead@outlook.com |
Stockton on Tees | Primary | Mainstream | Stephanie Wood | Middle Leader | Bronze | swood.attachmentlead@outlook.com |
Stockton on Tees | Primary | Mainstream | Tracey Ogden | Pastoral Lead | Bronze | togdenattachmentlead@outlook.com |
Stockton on Tees | Primary | Mainstream | Victoria Dixon | SENCO | Bronze | vdixonattachmentlead@outlook.com |
Stockton on Tees | Primary | Both | Wendy Wilkinson | Inclusion Lead | Bronze ; | wwilkinson@jtbprimary.org |
Sunderland | Both | Mix | Sarah Hardy | Deputy Director | Bronze | sarah.hardy.attachment.lead@gmail.com |
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