Regional Profiles for the South West
Key |
Status |
Mainstream |
Special |
Mix |
Phases |
Early Years |
Infants |
Juniors |
Primary |
Secondary |
Mix |
Trauma Informed Education Practice
Level (TIE) |
Level |
Bronze |
Silver |
Gold |
Gold+ |
Silver – have completed Theraplay©
Level 1
Gold - have completed Theraplay©
Level 1 and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Level 1
Gold+ - have completed a higher Level in Theraplay© and/or DDP
The table below is
sorted by Local Authority then by Last Name.
Local Authority | State Phase | Status | Name | Role | T.I.E. Level | Contact Email |
Bournemouth | Primary | Mainstream | Jo Simpson | Deputy Headteacher of Infant School | Gold | jsimpsonattachment@gmail.com |
Bristol | Primary | Mainstream | Alex Lewis | Pastoral Mentor | Bronze | alewis@catherdralprimaryschool.org |
Bristol | Early Years | Mainstream | Anne Mortimore | Early Years Support Teacher | Bronze | anne.mortimore@bristol.gov.uk |
Bristol | Primary | Mainstream | Beverly Forrester | SENCO | Bronze | forresterb@westburyontrym.academy |
Bristol | Mix | Mix | Helen Wright | Strategic Attachment Lead Teacher, Therapist, Trainer | Gold+ | helen.wright@touchbase.org.uk |
Bristol | Secondary | Mainstream | Laura Wilkes | SENCo | Bronze | lwilkes.attachmentlead@gmail.com |
Bristol | Early Years | Mainstream | Susan Browne | Early Years Leader | Bronze | sue.browne@bristol-schools.uk |
Bristol | Primary | Mainstream | Tracy Jones | Trust Inclusion Lead for Venturers Trust | Bronze | tracy.jones@venturerstrust.org |
Bristol, North Somerset | Early years and Primary | Both | Anne-Marie Frake | Director | Bronze | anniefrake@naos.org.uk |
Devon | Mix | Both | Ben Slater | Consultant | Bronze | benslater@fivewaysdevon.uk |
Gloucestershire | Secondary | Mainstream | Ellie Harvey | Senior Teacher | Bronze | eoreganaln@gmail.com |
Gloucestershire | Secondary | Both | Ryan O'Regan | Head of Alternative Provision and Inclusion | Bronze | ryanoregan.attachmentlead@gmail.com |
North Somerset | Early Years & Primary | Both | Andy Baker | Teacher for Pupil Engagement / Theraplay Practitioner | Gold+ | andybaker@thebigaskforlearning.net |
Somerset | Primary | Mainstream | Adam Glover | SEMH & Behaviour Lead | Bronze | a.gloverattachmentlead@gmail.com |
Somerset | Primary | Mainstream | Catherine Green | Deputy Head | Bronze | CGreenAttachmentLead@mail.com |
Somerset | Mix | Mainstream | Clair Owen | Assistant Head / Trust SENCO | Bronze | cowen@castle.somerset.sch.uk |
Somerset | Primary | Mainstream | Rachel White | Headteacher | Bronze | rwhite@bishophendersontaunton.co.uk |
South Gloucestershire | Primary | Special | Craig Hardy | Teacher | Bronze | C.Hardy@nhlc.org.uk |
South Gloucestershire | Primary and Special | Both | Lynne Watkins | Family Support Worker | Bronze | lwatkins.attachment@gmail.com |
Swindon | Secondary | Mainstream | Alison Mills | Teacher / Key Adult | Bronze | millsa@lydiardparkacademy.org.uk |
Swindon | Secondary | Special | Becky O'Brien | SENCo | Bronze | bobrien@stlukes.swindon.sch.uk |
Swindon | Secondary | Special | Catriona Dougan | Pastoral Support | Bronze | cdougan@stlukes.swindon.sch.uk |
Swindon | Mix | Both | David Williams | Assistant Principal | Bronze | williamsd@theparkacademiestrust.com |
Swindon | TBC | TBC | Jill Heyes | Consultant | Bronze | jill.heyesattachment1@outlook.com |
Swindon | Mix | Both | Kirsty John | Advisory Teacher - SEMH Support Team | Bronze | kirstyjj78@gmail.com |
Swindon | Secondary | Mainstream | Stacy Pritchard | Higher Level Teaching Assistant | Bronze | pritchards@abbeyparkschool.org.uk |
Swindon | Mix | Both | Tracey Knights | Targeted Mental Health Practitioner | Bronze | traceyknights.attchment@gmail.com |
Swindon | Primary | Special | Wendy Daw | PRU Teacher | Bronze | wdaw@nyland-pri.swindon.sch.uk |
Swindon | Primary | Special | Jenny Watts | Specialist Teaching Assistant | Bronze | jwatts@nyland-pri.swindon.sch.uk |
Torbat | Both | Both | Rebecca Dyke | Youth Support Mentor | Bronze | rebeccajaynedyke@hotmail.co.uk |
Torbay | Mix | Special | Alex Bradfield | Head of Lower School | Bronze | Abradfield@combepafford.torbay.sch.uk |
Torbay | All phases | Both | Alexandra Ashraf | Educational Psychologist | Bronze | alexandra.ashraf@torbay.gov.uk |
Torbay | TBC | TBC | Alice Harper | Therapist | Bronze | ali.m.harper@gmail.com |
Torbay | Secondary | Mainstream | Amy Brown | Designated Teacher for Cared for Children | Bronze | akbrown@thespirescollege.com |
Torbay | Primary | Mainstream | April Staddon | Higher Level Teaching Assistant | Bronze ; | april.staddon@acexcellence.co.uk |
Torbay | Early Years and Primary | Mainstream | Carrol Stephens | CP / Pastoral | Bronze | coastattachment@eppsa.org.uk |
Torbay | Mix | Both | Debbie Mansfield | Educational Psychologist | Bronze | Debbie.Mansfield@torbay.gov.uk |
Torbay | Primary | Mainstream | Elaine Jones | Teaching Assistant | Bronze | admin@priory-primary.torbay.sch.uk |
Torbay | Secondary | Mainstream | Gwen Margetts | 0 | Bronze | gmargetts@tqacademy.co.uk |
Torbay | Primary | Mainstream | Hayley Gaze | Social, Emotional, Mental Health Support Worker | Bronze | Gazehayley@gmail.com |
Torbay | Primary | Mainstream | Jacqualine Herrera Jacqualine | Pastoral Lead | Bronze | jherrera@homelandstorbay.org |
Torbay | Primary | Mainstream | Jaynie Allansen-Hart | Pastoral Lead | Bronze | janiehart74@gmail.com |
Torbay | Mix | Special | Keeley Boss | LSA | Bronze | k.boss@sfit.org.uk |
Torbay | Primary | Mainstream | Kelly Curran | Behaviour / Attachment Lead & Autism Champion | Bronze | Kcurran.attachmentlead@gmail.com |
Torbay | Mix | Special | Kerrie Pillans | Assistant SENCO | Bronze | k_pillans@mounttamar.org.uk |
Torbay | Mix | Mainstream | Laila Rehman | KS4 Transition Officer | Bronze | laila.rehman@torbay.gov.uk |
Torbay | Mix | Both | Laura Bryant | SEN Casework Officer | Bronze | laura.bryant@torbay.gov.uk |
Torbay | Secondary | Special | Lorna Cooper | IT Lead Teacher | Bronze | lcooper@combepafford.torbay.sch.uk |
Torbay | Mix | Both | Lorraine O'Callaghan | Educational Psychologist | Bronze | educational.pyschology@torbay.gov.uk |
Torbay | Secondary & Primary | Both | Louise Kilshaw | CLA Teacher | Gold | louise.kilshaw@torbay.gov.uk |
Torbay | Secondary | Special | Lucy Cocker | Head of Mathematics | Bronze | LCocker@combepafford.torbay.sch.uk |
Torbay | Mix | Both | Lyndsey Pengelly | Extended Duties officer | Bronze | lyndsey.pengelly@torbay.gov.uk |
Torbay | Primary | Mainstream | Marie Tyrrell | Assistant Head / SENCo | Bronze | marie@brixhamcofe.org |
Torbay | Early Years & Primary | Mainstream | Natasha Rose | Nurture Teacher | Bronze | nrose@rivieraet.co.uk |
Torbay | Mix | Special | Rhiannon Alcock | Year 9 Teacher | Bronze | Ralcock.attachmentlead@gmail.com |
Torbay | Both | Mix | Richard Blagden | Complany Director - Lead Tutor | Bronze | rich@taleblazers.org.uk |
Torbay | Early Years & Primary | Mainstream | Sally Davies | Assistant Headteacher | Bronze | sdaviesattachmentlead@gmail.com |
Torbay | Secondary | Mainstream | Sarah Dovey | SEND monitoring officer | Bronze | sarah.dovey@torbay.gov.uk |
Torbay | Mix | Special | Sarah Grace | Assistant Head | Bronze | sarah.grace@mayfield-special.torbay.sch.uk |
Torbay | Primary | Mainstream | Sarah Turner | HLTA | Bronze | sturnerattachment@gmail.com |
Torbay | Secondary | Mainstream | Sharon Walker | Pastoral Support Officer | Bronze | sewattachment@gmail.com |
Torbay | Mix | Both | Sonia Worthington | Community Care Worker | Bronze | parentingsolutions.devon@gmail.com |
Torbay | Secondary | Mainstream | Stephanie Boosey | Thrive / Mindfulness Practitioner | Bronze | sbooseyattachmentlead@gmail.com |
Torbay | Primary | Mainstream | Tamsin Corline | SENCo | Bronze | tcorline@olota.uk |
Torbay | Primary | Special | Toni Redmond | Attachment Lead | Bronze | toni.redmondAL@hotmail.com |
Torbay | Mix | Both | Tracey Powell | Inclusion Support Officer | Silver | attachmentlead@torbay.gov.uk |
Torbay | Primary | Both | Tracy Parpworth-Reynolds | PSED Lead / Thrive Co-odinator | Bronze | tpr.attachment.lead@gmail.com |
Torbay | Primary | Mainstream | Vanessa Crutchlow | Pastoral Thrive Lead | Bronze | v.crutchlowattachmentlead@gmail.com |
Torbay | Secondary | Mainstream | Vicki Whelan | Intervention Manager | Bronze | vwhelan@brixhamcollege.co.uk |
Torbay | Mix | Both | Victoria Walbrugh | Educational Psychologist | Bronze | educational.pyschology@torbay.gov.uk |
Torbay | Primary | Mainstream | Zoe Smith | Thrive / Pastoral Care Practitioner | Bronze | zsmith@olota.uk |
West Berkshire | Primary | Mainstream | Natasha Howlett | SENCo | Bronze | howlettn113@gmail.com |
West Dorset | Mixed 4-19 years | Special | Aisla Maclean-Wood | Head of Additional Needs | Bronze | amaclean-wood@westfield.dorset.sch.uk |
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